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Say hello to our AI Assistant: making form creation a breeze

Published on Aug 23, 2024

Hello, form creators and data collectors! We've got some exciting news to share. We've just rolled out our new AI Assistant for Deftform, making it even faster to whip up forms quickly and easily. It is available for all our customers.

What's the big deal?

Let's face it, creating forms can be a real pain. You've got to think about all the fields you need, how to structure them, and make sure you're not missing anything important. It's time-consuming and, let's be honest, not the most thrilling task.

That's where our new AI form builder comes in. We've designed it to take the headache out of form creation.

How does this AI Form Builder work?

It's pretty straightforward:

  1. You tell the AI what kind of form you need. Maybe it's a customer survey, a job application, or an event registration form.

  2. The AI does its thing, figuring out what fields you'll likely need based on your description.

  3. Boom! You've got a draft form ready to go.

It's like having a form-building expert right at your fingertips, available whenever you need it.

Why you'll love our AI Form Builder

  • It's Fast: No more spending hours on form creation. Our AI form builder can knock out a draft in seconds.

  • It's Smart: The AI learns from every form it creates, getting better at suggesting relevant fields and layouts.

  • It's Flexible: Don't like something the AI came up with? No problem. You can easily tweak and adjust the form to your liking.

Try our AI Assistant to help building your forms

We're pretty excited about this new AI form builder, and we think you will be too. It's not about replacing human creativity – it's about giving you a smart starting point so you can focus on the important stuff.

So why not give it a try? Head over to your dashboard and check out our new AI Assistant by creating a new form.

We'd love to hear what you think. Drop us a line and let us know how the AI form builder is working for you. After all, we built it for you, and your feedback helps us make it even better.

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